Hi everyone, my name is Sergio, I started in my twenties doing my experiences as a waiter for three-four years in high level restaurants. Then, realizing that my place was behind a bar counter, I went to learn the basic rules to be a good bartender of a fantastic world helped by excellent masters that I was lucky enough to meet. Piero, Guido and Italo will remember them forever. Now I am here to explain to you, with my way of seeing, my spectacular experience that lasts a lifetime.
I will repeat many things in the pages but, I am not a professional writer. If you want to contact me for comments, advice, criticisms (if constructive) or questions about the job, do not be afraid to send e-mails, to exchange ideas online.
Here is a photo that serves to see the face of an old-fashioned barman.
personal passport photo
My e-mail address is trevirtu@barman.zone
Working times permitting I will reply as soon as possible.
I have been living in Spain for a long time, in the heart of the Costa del Sol, and managing a cocktail bar restaurant, the Trifula, requires a lot of effort but I willingly steal time at work to continue building the site.